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Who We Are

Frequent Questions

You have questions ... and we've got answers!

We've compiled the most frequently asked questions about 3Q Innovation's programs and services in this section.   If, however, your particular question isn't answered here, please contact us and we'll be happy to respond directly to you.

  • 3Q Innovation's programs are specifically designed to meet the research, education, and development requirements needed for job creation and new product | business growth in the clean energy | energy efficiency sectors for the built environment. They also bring awareness to the need for more creative employment solutions for an aging U.S. workforce. For a list of specific programs and services we provide, visit our What We Do section.

  • One of the most valuable knowledge assets of the U.S. economy is the worker pool aged 50-75. However, due to widespread cultural age discrimination and a lack of innovative employment contract opportunities, this group is routinely 'right-sized' out of traditional work environments once they approach age 50 - even though they are top performers who prefer to continue working. 3Q Innovation believes this knowledge asset drain out of the U.S. economy needs to be radically slowed or stopped completely. And that's why our organization chose experienced professionals as the primary constituency we serve.

  • 40% of all energy consumed by the built environment is wasted and 80% of all built structures in the U.S. have no energy efficiency features whatsoever. With the prediction that a majority of the U.S. population (for the very first time) will be living/working in urban centers by 2030, the continued growth demand for energy is expected to increase to unsustainable proportions in less than 10 years. Among suggested solutions to address this looming crisis, simply capturing and saving energy currently wasted in the built environment, tops the list. Further, 3Q Innovation views its primary constituents as uniquely qualified for and positioned to help address these issues.

  • Every clean energy solution must address: 1) energy demands within the built environment; 2) the lack of energy expertise in the workforce; and 3) the need for deep business function knowledge (required to successfully implement clean energy solutions). 3Q Innovation's business development services creatively deal with the challenges of all three of these elements. And our primary constituents are ideally suited to help develop the clean-sustainable energy and energy efficiency solutions every building needs.  Visit our Business Development page for details about the specific R&D services we offer.

  • We’re always on the lookout for individuals like you wanting to get involved. Visit our How To Help section to find out ways to partner with us, sponsor our education and research, or gift us with a donation in support of our work.

  • 3Q Innovation has an on-going responsibility to our community and our donors to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization. We work hard to meet that responsibility and all donated funds are used to directly support our education and research programs. 3Q Innovation's IRS Form 990 is available for review, as required by law. Contact us for a copy or to learn more.

  • Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and we take steps to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. 3Q Innovation does not sell or otherwise disclose information about our volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations, public, private or nonprofit. For more detailed information visit our Privacy Policy page.

Why Our Impact Matters

  • Buildings in NYC with NO energy efficiency features


  • Savings possible from energy efficiency WF training alone


  • Increase in demand for clean energy WF training


  • NY's annual growth rate of new clean energy jobs


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